The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)

F-t THE RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 199? Apatrtmsrrts Urfum, 74 1 ApevWrts Unfum. 74 1 Apartments LWum, 74 Aprtmrrti Urrfum. 74 THAT SCRAMBLED WORD QAM 6 by Henri Arnold end Bob Lm Urisor smbls these) (our Jumble, one) letter to Mch qutr to form lour ordinary word. III I -v Here are I Ttwe fi. raiM tor you FREEBIE MAIL-IN COUPON 2 llncs3 days FREE Sell anything valued at $50 or less.

Advertise lost and found Items, No pets for sale. Deadline: Tuesday (ad runs FridaySaturdaySunday). DYNAH i ORNOC I zxz You must use this coupon (no photocopies) to mall In your Free ad. Sony, absolutely no Freebles accepted by telephone, limit one Freeble ad per family per week. ATTARR I 1 HE rOFlTd BV Hid MISTAKES Lee All paid.

Ulllll paid. sher. dryer, slorage. I UK. $800.

eicherlRltri RenlalDly m-M88 FORT LEE Lt wale? Ne iytnlnl lb COLDWELL BANKER SCHLOn FT LEE ,51 CLIFF PK LEONIA SWORO REALTORS 944-307 Furn'd kg 1BR Incld gar ft pkg space next to pels, short term lease or GWB nc mo.lomo.Avali;l,$;75.684-t58) FORT LE ft VIC Call Us 1st fBm.i.oe.'pM PUTTENBERO-NO Luxury Summit 1BR IBIh BERGEN iver irmn, root S99SMO FT. LEE-HORIZON-Ls 1BR Terrace, 24' Of Glass Wndws, Overlooking Park 11000 Mo FEE" Lux 2BR wTerrece. ytllslncl, 24 Hr Drmn, Pool, Sep $W5Mo llRNPSHEf, Doorman, fool, 11I9OM0 Hudson, Lux 2BR 2Blh, Rlv View, Ullls ncl, Drmn, Pool, Indr Park's SI200MO pr 1 pp. feth Conrk jytoveRlle ln -NO FEE" Lg JBR l-reshv Han ed. 11300 Mo RIDGEFIEI House wjl FEE1 1.5Blhs, Corporate Uwner, sun fioom, 2 Car Gara backyard $14001 LEE-' NO FEE' HORIZON BKW2 Jau, Qlk 72 TERRACES, River River VI lew, lMo in.uiiisinci.

ALSOAVAILFORSA1 MANYMORE-CALLI Name. Street. Town Home telephone MIOGES r-j p-j r-v Zip. Now errtnoe the circled lettere to form the eurprlse anewer, ae tug-geoted by the above cartoon. Print answer UJillllll'i IWIWl fvvK vTv tv JK yfv (Answers tomorrow) CANKER BEHOLD VOCAL NOBLE Jumbles: Answer: She was never overlooked, but often this LOOKED OVER Write your ad here: (Use 30 characters to a line, including punctuation, spacing, and eight-digit phone number.) 2 Merchandise up to $50.

Price must be stated In ad. We will place your ad under the appropriate classification heading, flail In only. Noncommercial advertisers only. To enter, nae 14.71 (Mel. peeue and handling) lo P.O.

Box nee, InobiM yew name, eddreta and eode and nww oheea payalM Mall to: fiflttffieaHft Freebie fclasslfled Advertising Department, 150 River Street, Hackensack. NJ. 07601-7172 The Prudential LASSIFIED HACKENSACK NOFEEI HEKEMIAN COMMUNITIES mctnms TO COME HM 380 Prospect Avenue luxury Hi Rise Apis W24 Hr Doorman, kid HHW, AC, Parkmq ft Pool, Close lo Shop I Tram. 1 8f el Call 487-3034 j.i.Bi in 949 Mam 81., Apl. A Lovely 1 Br Odn Apt on Impeccable Manicured Qrnda, Close lo Shop ft Trans II $695.

Call 343-3942 HII1II.I',M?M;1 58 Berkshire PI Apt. 1 Charming 1 Br Gdn Apt it $775. kid hhw, AC Hardwood Floors ft Modern Appliances. Can 342-07 16 45-1 A Euclid Avenue New Luxury Apartments Cent AC, Terrace, Micro, DW, Euro Kitch and More. NYC Trans at your doorstep.

A MUST SEEI 1 2 Br Irom $8 15. Call 487-779 1 HEKEMIAN Realtors 487-1500 HACKENSACK Lux Hi-Rise NOFEE New mod 1 BR I Ba1 BR 2 Be, In most presllg area. Incls drmn, gym, pool, prkg, some ww crpt, Also, other lux bldgs wnJ FEE PAID. Immed occup; No Oops. Open kvenlngs.AAon-Frl: KOVAL 488-7877 HACKHSBRK HTS NO FEE! Studio $560 1 BR $675 Includes' SPRING SPECIAL $99111 1st Mo $200 Sec Dep HACKENSACK SOME NO FEE Jr 1 BRS, AC, some wlerroces ft WW p1.

Close lo NYC Irans. HANSON MGMT Bkr 468-584S HACKENSACK large 1 room, modern Studio. $495. HHW. See Super at: 46 Anderson SI.

HACK- Luxury hlrlse. 2 BR, 2 lull baths.Terr.i 750 Welchert Rltrs Rental Dlv 592-6888 HACKENSACKMaywood Bdr, Garden Apt, parklike setting, close to buses i shpg. i BR. EIK, LR, appln's, modern, HHW supplied. $700mo.

Call 843-7877. HACK-Mod 1 BR, ww crpt. 2 (am hse. Avail 61 $595 Ulil! 66-3914 tils. 201-759-1433 or 6eeper466- HACK Now accptg applclns for 1 BR apts fr S660mo ft 2 JR apts (r $770 mo.

Van Dyke Apts, J66 HACKENSACK i.jl-EE JUMP IN I HOOL5E ASON QUAIL HEIGHTS 1 2 BRS AVAILABLE IMMED 22' Balcony 'Dishwashers 'Pool ft Tennis Alr Condition NY Bus at Door 'WW Carpet 'Parklno Microwaves OUR 2 BRS, 2. FULL BATHS balcony some w2 entrances $77551075 Mon-Frl 10-4 260 PROSPECT AVE HANSON MGMT BKR 488-5865 488-5848 HACKENSACK NOFE IBRGrdn Inci Air (72S $795-1 150 Inci HHW ft CAlr, terrace, parking; also Studio for $595. 1 It 2 BRs S795S995 Inci heat ft htwtr, cooking gas. KOVAL 488-7877 HACKENSACK NOFEE 1 Bdm Gdn, Inci ft Calr $725. Mid-rise 1 ft 2 Bdm start at Inc HT.HW ft CAlr, terrace, parking: also studio $650.

1 ft 2 BDM 795t99S Ind heal ft HWTR, cooking gas. GENERATION IV Bkr 288-6663 HACKFNSACK NOFFF Modern mld-rlse, studio wbal-cony. HHW ft ckg gas Inci. As- agnea prkg inqry on premises. ail mj-xui or Mj-wm HACKENSACK NOFEE 18RS675 FREE MONTH lux gdn, nr trans, ac, hhw.

343-2574 HACK-l BR odn apt. In ovl park like setting, conv to all NY trans. $750 rent 1 yr lease, IVi mos sec, MHR RItr 488-3883, eves 507-9682 HACK 2 BR carpet, near trans, 650 PrimeRentals, Bkr. 472-4996 HACKRlver Ed area. 1 BR Gdn ir, ww, uvv, iiaoinrm a mlmwMU 0, uty it mo sec.

6 HACK 3 RM modern, near bus ft trains. 575 utll. Inc. prime Kernels, bkr. 47Z-4W6 Hackensack HACKENSACK taclous 1 ft 2 BR aols starting at 50.

In elevated Mld-Rlse bldo. All malor apples ft bales. Info coll: v-o ontv w-iyy, ngeio HACKENSACK-Studlo Apt. I $440 utll! ut s. 2686.

riage street or eee-zeai HACKENSACK Studio wfull kit. HACKENSACK Luxury Rentals Minutes toGW Bridge 1, 2 3 BR's NOFE 140 Prospect Ave. Hackensack Open 7 Da vs lo-5orbyappl 201-489-7717 Rentlni TIDE WA Licensed 3 (Ten Eslale Broken kl-SPClN- 2nd fir 2 fam. 3BRs, 'i a all ivs M-i )ii ve wknd4a-M 1 1 HALEpON-2nd ftr of newer i POOl. HALEDON Clean modern garden HARMON COVE 1BR Condo 81000 mo9l4-3S7-4l22 HSBRK HTS 3-3 Room apts avail Immed In almost new bujid-Ing.

All eoptnes, AC, hrdwr fl's. dean, peinied ft ready to go! $64 aepi. HASB HGTS-3 rms enctsd htd lASBROUCK HEIGHTS-Studje ft dk epr even ei ewva or dioi eot avail in eievalor b-cg. transit. HHW ktciuoei weer HAWTHORNE 2nd Dr.

4rme. strt pkg lor no es $650 utihi I mos sk avail 7 1, 423-4348 mspe Hawthorne Mod 1 BR aptt WW crptg. nw AC, dwshr, o-3 'IMtwi setina. Rents start ml mm BAST RUTHFRFORD-Mod JBR, WK ranswlellon. Ii UKII.LtllTM-JS -Luxrlvfrtcoi wo spec, incpool, lennl mn RealtyllneBkr Edge-Cjnlem Trptx 't'tn Joen.Vy-bM.Reallyllne Bkr fr'litmalfflioill EDGEWATER 2BRs, HHW.

Avail 1. ioe 945-8 EDGEWATER-5 rms, ornd vel, ornd tavel, 'P'r. yard, HHW. new ww crot HGEV rms, sided DGEWATER-Counlry selling, uai noi wir, PRng, large I DGEWATFR-Oualnl IRr iioo, nnyv, pais UK, con1 ri.sayxot ARK Goroi iuu lAia Ii HomtHunltn broktr 4-0302 Ekrtwood Park NOFEE tvery Apartment seems Younger than SDrinRtime wrujrt wtj prejparej i ror yot hi.frih i wrviridr PABhTI IkP GROUNDS wrleKtlv kxaitd i it 4 a Diva near Knooif ihopplngilramportBllon. Reavonabit rsnti (ncl HHW.

ELMWOOD PARK-lmmac I BR hlohllghls modern kit, new bin, TORS II 641-1536 LMWQQO PARK-New House dks. Lrpig, inory rm. entry ft moral ADRI Really, Bkr 368-2422 ELMWi lOOO PK New hse. 3 BRs, Jblhs.L R.DR.EJK ACftVacsvi. acsys.FPLCInRR.oar, SADRI Realty, Bkr wan ELMPK 1 BR carpet, AC, Pels Ok Prims Rentals, Bkr.

472-4996 Elm wood Park Unbelievable 3 BR Home Hunters Broker 794-0302 ELMWOOD PK Very large dU' plex. Tfi baths. Garaoe. 200. WelcherlRIIrs Rental Dlv 652-0909 ELMWOOD PK rms.

2nd door. garage, WD hkups, no pels, no realtor rees. saw -t- utns. 4X-4JJ ELWMOOD PK-4 rms, Kit, LR, 2BKs, ww crpt, wd nup, yd use, $700lncl ullls Verga Rllrsfyl-96lF ENGLEWOQD-1BR-NOFEE iua udor Style, 2 tarn, 2nd fir, excellent loca anon, i enany orgr. its, ig Datn, ENGLEWD2 BR newly renovated.

wain ly pru avail HHW ind. 71. $885. 664- 1-638! ENGLEWOOD-2 BRs, ground floor, garsoe, Real paid. I.

WW. duo siayuroj-twui ENGLEWOOD Cross Creek. Fleidstone. laroest unit. 9 BRS-.

oen, i otns, cam ceil, ttK, tpi, pool, Englwd Lg 4's rm apt. Sec bldg.fpl, dw, hrdwd firs, cell, exer rm, iiiiwi mci war pr.u, rjvw FAIRLAWN .1 BR modern, pels rime Rentals, Bkr.472-4996 Imuirl Dir. i in lav hi riA tCVl HomeHunlers Brok'er 94-0100 FAIR LAWN 4 BR hnuu. 11 ii. WelcherlRIIrs Rental Dlv 652-0909 trjj.

i FAIR LAWN-411 modern rms. neat supplied Jsomo. call yy-OI460r J4U-BI6Z AIR LAWN CharmliKi 1 BBt HT PLftniceMi. nrnr iransssu ome Hunters Broker 794-0302 I turn kknA rm fnnAf. OK, Ht Pd, walk trainstores $925 nomenuniers Broker ys-ww FAIRLAWN KADBURN MANOR i-7t r- Laroe 1 Br Gdn Acts.

Close to NYC Trans ft Shop'a. $629 Ind HHW -Call 79 5217 HEKEMIAN REALTORS487-1500 FAIRVIEW1BR.I600 Including HHWT, elec, AC, DW uaiiy4l-oovo FAIRVIEW-2 BR, 2 bth, kll, LR, ik, reirig, lose to schls ft trans. 334-48 FAIRVIEW 3BR apt. refrlg, cplg. avail juiy 1 no pets.

K3U utlls. FAIRVIEW-3 rms. Nr Iransp. Gd loSn. Prkg ft HW IncL Avail 61.

iaiiy4i-Mo. AIRVIEW 4 Modern rooms. AC. uw, w-w carpet, wu on prem. $76rfMo.

943-39(2; 327-3081 CAIDVIClAI-i Dmu ODD fam house. 2nd fir iROQ Call '4 1 -ujye or ask tor Mercy bo 1-4300. FAIRVIEW Rms. 2BRs. HHW hcld.Neareverythlng!$750.

GTS REALTY, RLTRS 944-7500 newcrpi.Aiiappis.inoryrm&i t. a iou mo unis nego. y-J4! FAIRVIEW-6 lo rms WD hkuo. AC. nr Iransshoo.

$900 utils 1 mo Sec. 86 1-4455, -4y4 1-5065 at 5 FAIRVIEW-7 rms, beautiful apl. 2 car gar, AC, nr Iransp. Call B6-iyory4-64 FAIRVIFJ-Aot for rent. 3 rms bth.

Call 945-8231 for appt. FAIRVIEW Modern Rooms with neat not water. 424 walker si call y-)i-4jB FAIRVIEW Modern 4 rm 2 BR aot. WW crpt. AC, pvt entr.

ht Ind $750 security, can V4i-ura FAIRVIEW New 1 BR. bright, sunny apt. Laundry fac. 1 parkg spc. nnw inci.

4B-44U. Prlvent. Prka A1IM rrnt IIIM (n 10 mln NYLfSUU. NO teepet. V40-4 1 J4 FAIRVIEW Nice bsmt apt 8440monclds everything 941-3282 FAIRVIEW NO FEE.

Nice 1 BR bay winaow in muitt-tam nome, terr.Dvtent.lnrlitnlliillis S7fO. Apts ft Homes Rentals Bkr947-6464 sk hw hhi.vhh vvi Call Dolx34 SK.somewseoma 1EE VICEdaewater-new. IV wnhs.3 utll.224-4070 'Tir Sif iwlnclifWofe hs Ir NY. 1 ORT LEE 1 BR. New Carpal.

rarxing, sow utll. ma. Prime Rentals, Bkr. 346-0346 T-ll 1 LEE28' STUDI0SS495 Ud CBS REALTY, Realtor, 767-1775 FT LI Close. ORT LEE 2 BR.

Newly deco rated, Kids Ok, I7S0 utll. Inc. Prime FORT LEE -3 RM, Doormen, In- opr perxing, 1 monm Tree rem. rime Kentais, oxr. J44-W44 ime Kentais, pur.

ot4o ART I rme utile nrl tfl 1 vii 1 sa 1 uig, uuig ivw, yuivu i nomenuniers oroxer T4-uiw Ft Lee 4 rms, BRs, nice kltdi bsmt, 7-6664 dry. Hut it Lmhouss 3 BRs, excl Iccn S' REALTY, REALTORS 944-7500 LEE Bdr-Huoe 1BR condo, ww hhw Incld, flnclgheal8evei LEEUhwoodPkLovelyl RT after FORT LEE Lux bulldlno. Pool. ckwman. GrMt view of NYC.

1400 soft ierHl etc Itrs Rental Dfy 592-6886 FT LEE-Lux hl-t pool, sauna, 24 hr FT LEE-Lux hl-rlse, NYC skyline inor orman. 6a-3i57 FORT LEE -Modern 3 Room, AC, neat, storage Pfce. nexi ro snop- ping ft Irans. rfsOi Month. 944-7616.

FORTLE NOFE Super luxury hlrtse, Fut services. hr doorrren. pool, etc I ft 2 BR eots trom i low. wltdays 718-937-262Z Apts ft Homes Rentals Bkr947-4464 FT LE E-soec mid-rise, 2BR 2Be FDR, LR view, pool $1200 Apts ft Homes Remais Br947-6464 FORTLEEtViC Sues $50CftUP NEW WORLD REALTY 461-3300 1 ocn i ttikmi I 1 0 oFRGENFIFLO 1BR H7HWInd perking on slle, $660mo, l1 moe lecur uy, i yr lease jm-jew iv msg, lHr.prtglnrer. 100 La7M J955M4-0I83 I uumoni-4rn Home Humeri itklds.i Broker BERG i.Nfl Jndflr hhw inc.

ell utlslnc.15! Avl7l.M5-fJOf BERGENFIELD-2BR apt In ww CI BFRGENFIELO $750 4 Rm, JERG Fir Apt fcgesiup. ERGENFIELO NOFEE real I BR, excel toe dose lo shopi BLOOMFIELO by SPRINGTIME SPLENDOR FMEffiWRTIO Impeccable'Spacious'Refurb New baths 8, kits ft appliances I BBi ignoriesft garages KeaionHD rents nc mw le rents lm Prime tocallon 25 mlns lo NYC Walk to public trans A shops Wantlo knpwmora? Cell20t-43-M; Thoughtful responsive mgml BOGOTA-Avall 61. 3 MOD RM! pvt ant, elec, gas, HHW Incld. Cs an 3pm Mt-iu i or wave msg BOGOTA-Loe Studios ft 1 BR Apl. HHW.

Convenient to Irans. BOGOTA Modern, newly car pet, refrldoe, AC, units, din. rm. eat In good closets, attic, park' inyioricars.3Vvecni. BOCOTA Flrsl floor Id.

formi din. Itv. rm eat In kit. hookup, yard, basem*nt, porch. larr'oll Assoc.

Realtors, 488-0100 BOGOTA NOFEE I7 RM, 2 BDM GDN, heal ft Ht wtr inu, pmi. soo GfflLRATION IV BKR 288-5663 Master Charge Visa accepted Home Hunters Broker ys-i 0100 mSnth frff rfwtii I eedKoom ap sooomo, ullls. All electric. Avail Immed. Call: Butler Ridge Apis Mo-Fr 838-4233 Carlsladt-3 BRs, kids.

pels. $600 Lvndhurl-2 BPs lHi Home Hunters Broker 794-0100 CARLSTADT-3 Ige rms; lVd BRs, new Kit, Dinette area, carpeting, porcn oack vara. 1st tir Moumo uiiis.yjy-ut; ARLSTADT 4 mod rms wheaf, o3. mvoii June 13. Call 939-1134 after 6pm CARLSTADT-4 rm mod apt.

hhw nc sy no oers. avbu 1. Call vui-y-yj45artopm CARLSTADT-Mod 3 rms, prnd fir, newer i ram. loeoi ror one. All ui refrlge.

$585. Avail 81.935-8128. CLIFF PKFI Lee Bdr-2 BR, 4'ii 2np tir i ham. ne otn, oet Avail July 1. Call 666-3161 Cllffslde-Mod Studio, refrlg, carpel, blinds.

$600 Inc! utll. Call Linda, Iteaiiyiitie or.r, 3JL- tjoo. CLIFF PK 4 bright rms, Intercom. no petstee. Near transp.

security. rnnc only, rtn vv, eoa-u isa CLIFFSIDEPK-modernlaraeslU' dip, S560utlls, call 575-3568 days JJ4-X4U4 eveswxenos CLIFF PK-lmmai. 3 rm apt, high ceifgs, Hdwd firs, HHW (ncl, no pets, 2 rms atso avail, can 4j-i CLIFF PK-Some new blhs-mod kits, IBK, 2BR $60; nnw, no pets, 1-255 Latayette av CLIFFSIDE PARK 1 BR off street paring, At. s3 utll met, rrirne ixeniais, our. jw-uj40 CLIFFSIDE PARK-1BR.

oood Inc. HHW Incld, WD, no pels, l'j mos CLIFFSIDE PARK -hookups, kids ft oels BR, WD ok, $7jo ulil. r. 344-0346 nc. i-nme Kenrais, okr.

CLIFFSIDE PARK-3 rms, HHW. nr iransp. no pets, sapmg. occupancy 71. CaHSuper 943-3878.

CLIFFSIDE PARK-3 rm apt, nnn. 'n mas secur iv. no ueis. $ouumo. tan m-iLii atter Jpm CLIFFSIDE PARK 5ii rms, $750mo, avail 7192.

an atter sem, yo-88a-yo4 1. CLIFF PK-5 Ige mod rms, ww crptg. At, wu utlls. Call 489-4551 eves. v.t-11-r ri-o iwv iiiuu una, mm crptg, AC, DW, osmt, yrd, wo $1150.

489-4551 eves. CLIFF PK Hudson, Terrace, ooormon, pool, i view. yin. Welchert Rltrs Rental Dlv 592-6! CLIFF PK-Lg studio, ullls Incld, refrlg, AC, walk In closet. $585.

RE ALT Broker 94-6684 CLIFFSIDE PARK NOFEE I bk Apt mci nnw, Laundry on Premises Call HEKEMIAN REALTORS 487-1500 fit LIFFSIDE PARK NOFEE uk api SW3 inci. nnw. can 1-3092 EKEMIANREALTORS4B7-1500 CLIFFSIDE PARK No Fees. Spacious 1 BR, nice area, HHVI Included, lsllloor, NY views. $700, Super941-7297 or Owner 343-0020.

CLIFFSIDE PARK NOFEE 1BR, HHW Incld'd, exc location, near everyining. sjumontn. Super313-I478 or Owner 343-0020. CLIFFSIDE PARK Near Boro rtaii. bk, lk.

Mien. Above prat ot-lice. Pkg. $6Sb Utlls. 664-0870.

CLIFFSIDE PK-3mod rms, WW crpt, retrig neat ina sosumo. ni 941-0380 CLIFFSIDE PK-brlte and charm ing, ibk, in a great ngnorno, exc pkg, pets. cony nil trans, hmw ma no $685. Call 943-7422 or 89 1-2826 Jr.fBR-; Lai Clifton- WS. Lndry, newly renov.

Kl CLIFTON 1 BR, CAC, DW, stor- ILIFTON-1 BR, Mod, Parking, Great place" $450. Oper louse Really Inc BKR. 9 16-0755 Cllfton-2Br, $500, Kids ok, newly 1FTON 2 BR In 2 family, bath, kitchen, nice bckvrd. 2nd floor, lb ullls. Avli15.

Call 546-2858. nv-raro, louse Really li ILIFTON 2 BR modern. Kids ft rlme Renters, Bkr.472-4996 fam, MEIK, 6. CHfton-3Br, $700: ell utlls Inci, AC prkg, newly rms- SET tLIFTON 3BR, Kid Pets Ok, Hear irens. more avi ouse Realty Inc.

Bkr. loan 55 occup. No pets. 471-6678 1 5, vk, i car Brap liisu'mg. sen Rms, CLIFTON Verypvt 1 BR aot, ean.

S62Smo ncrs every- 933-4665 ask for Kaliymsp SSKtUL BrtoM sunny spec IBS. VE IK, DW, LR.DR, nr NYC tus. 8925. Avail Immed. 766-7197 DUMONT $580 Jrrnj 1BJ In 2 fmy, utrts Incld, ms ELL RLTY, Bkr 364-2330 UMONT- Gdn apt, 1 Bedrm $710, njn ire.

no ri Vkdyt; 384-3456. Eveswknds: DUMONT-Studk) eots aval immed, on i i prxo, secure baa. kKlsHriyy.Calt: M.n.wiobert, A ram Sl se Shere.B mi RITA BiR.NL'MARY BEETY ASSOC. 384-2313 RLTRS 569-3100 UTH cOR D-Mod 4 rm aot, 1 H'HVV gas Near fam Juty I. k50mo, 472-8656 EAST RUTHERFORD 24 Ca Yesterday's JUMBLI lOOK NO.

41 CMendo, n. 33S02 4M4. le ntkuno PubMWMng. Household Goods 59 DINING ROOM SET-TtH, 6 chairs cnina ciosei s5w or uesi Lrner. Lan )km.

DINING ROOM SET wChlna cab' fnel, 6 chairs. 2 leaves. xcel cond, saor Dv.ieiuui-Mr-iej? SET Italian Creme lacquer; able (z vs) opens lo seal IS. a cnrs.nuicn. low.

WV-JOU DINRM CHAIRS (4) $95 llque Cabinet $50. Couch $100. blnel $50 jinrm tdi Chaise $350. Lamp 50. la relative msge DINRM SET Beautiful Rattan wl lass top, 4 cnairs.

Hug. wall unit, iwiaiiaji-oor-ojir DRESSER wmlrrof. Elhan Alan, FNTFRTAINAAFNT ROOKCASF Ta6lE, smalt 'round maple with i cnairs, js; At? 6pm: mrin nlerlainmen) Cntr, dark lark pine. i.M: cono. wusr sen.

sofa Ibis. S250. FREEZER $100. Sew Machine S7S. Plnball Machine $50.

Weight bench. weights $65. Blk llhr chair $30, Micro cart $25, dry sink $100. Lthr sofa $95. Blk lthr chr ft ottoman sin.

moving must sell no- uoy FREEZER 15 cubic ft $195; refrlj IS cubic sivj. bom wnirii excel cond. I.Movint vlngl 337-4167 aflS FURN: Mod glass ft cyl tbl w4 oiacK enrs tmusi see, ssmid.o. 2 pc secrnl sleepersofa 3 blk leather ft chrm bar slools $50 ea. Conrarys black wood CI1DM-DD Stand, desk, shelves, mlrr, chair.

Exc end $675. Platform bedwave-less waterbed matt $225. 2 pc wall unit, TVbarslrge $195. 224-7232 FURN-Counlry style sofa $350. Table, desk, rocker, TV cabinet each pcunder $100.

445-4306aft 6 Wakefield" 3 Dressers.2 hutches. 9 ft Value $3000 Sacrlf $1100 592-1731 FURNITURE-MOVING MUST SELL LR Set, 7 pc. $100; 10,000 BTU AC $300; Caloric 36" gas stove whood, $450. 833-1460. FURN Rattan sofa, loveseat, chair, end table.

New, never used. Paid 444-7173 GAS STOVE. 70 yrsotd $95. Dressers. $35 ft $95.

China closet $165; luttet silo; closet $220. All dk wood, IW8. lireat cond. 489-642 Iv msg KITCHEN-Maplewood butcher block. A great work table ft eating space.

Has 2 drawers, a pot rack w2 shelves ft 2 woodenchrome ft llher chairs. Exc cond. Askg $275. Henredon drk wood end table, orlg $1000. Ex cond.

Askg $150. 568-1858 KITCHFN K. PDP RM 8 yrs old Contemp. Solid wood cab, OU, Caloric S-C dbl oven GE DW ft refrlg, sink, etc; cmpll $2000. Pdr Rm vanity, sink, mirror, KITCHEN RENOVATION Wood cabinets, refrlg, DW, wall oven, cook top, sink, very gd cond $600 all or sell sep 26-4126 KITCHEN SET $40-Exec Chair $30bo.

Club Chair $25. Typewriter $28. Wall unit SIS. Call 3-13843 KITCHEN SET-Antlque w4 or best offer. Call 337-6093 leave message KITCHEN SET -tike New 930-1834 KIT-slalned wood cabinets, counter top, stainless sink, $550.

Gd cond. Caloric Microoven combo 5 yrs otd.exccond. KITCHEN TABLE 72" rectangular w4 chairs $500; mirrors $75; beige couch 6 pc sec-llonal 5590.201-447-0354 KITCHEN TABLE-Rect, 36x60, aimona, rormica top. cane pacK i.iznaii-j3. KITCHEN TABLE ft 4 Chair; brown formica, excel cond.

S17i 440-2190 or 440-0522 lacquer dlnrm w6 chrs $500; Whirlpool washer Supreme $150; glass chandelier $125; While 12 curl I CIIDM DD CIIDIJ lD CIIDU MIsCI, elc, etc. Best offer lakes II all or sen separate weauo LIVING ROOM-New, Sofa ft Love Seat, 3 tbls $TM0Cali262-4657 LR Set Col. 7 couches, coffee3 end lbs, chest $1200; BR oresser, ni sma 4 pc. sow. vu-yj44 LR SET $800; DR SET traditional $900: contemp wall unit $300.

All exc cond! Call 224-9629 or 224-2673 LR Set $400, BR Set $400, (2) re- LR SET 3 pc with swag lamp, end 1, ibiiiv, nu 1 closet $10; 3 ml- laote S4w: ciotnes en crowv or TV tables LIVING 2 sofas, of) whitegold. Chair, Persimmon, 2lamos.Exccond.$8l;5J-7078 LOVESEATS (2)-leather, almond-beige color. Ilkeuw. $750bolh. iati.H-xy MEXICAN FURNITURE Beaut, hand-made Mahogany Including II re Lounge lk ser, )ungeLR set, $400, Unique lall 444-3769 COI fflUVIS, offer due lo moving! C.

ORIENTAL CARPET 9x12, w. originally $5000, 12x10. OVEN-Black Roper Gas oven, like brand new $200. Queen sz mattress Call 391-6118 after 12 noon. PORCH SET While wrought Iron 18 e.t.

frostfrM GETSlbexcil.condllM ouar, del avail, 064-7533 REFRIGEI 17 cu. ft, Bri EFRIGERATQR-KENMOR cu. ft. Brown. tent cono.

Asxing REFRIG Norge wlcemaker, Dot Dr, 16 cu fl Mint: $300. SOFA: Cir cular Modular w2 Recilners ft REFRIGERATOR Whirlpool 21.9 cu K. Tempered glass shelf, very good cono. sjjo. ui-n 12 'EFRJG-Whlrlpool, side by side, cu ft.

wheels, avocado, smooth arls.Excconrj$44J.641-26S9 SLEEPER ft LOVE SEAT-co*kj- Cah 839436Mn 'U' SOFA. Off whin mi off a white. xcetfent condition. $425. Cell after SOFA BED ft MATCHING SOFA SOFABED-On brwn'beige print wrettan.

Mint cond $25fCa 567-309 1 bet noon or aft 7pm wkdy SOFABED-O'jeen size, off white own tweed Cen 438- txe HueenS ether, exc emet beck, med yown. 2 xnne chrs. peach. $456. Best er exc cond.

487-4259 fve msg SOFA Leetw, $75 Bar ft 3 stools, '5 0 ack reciter era r. $75. Ahiie Finlthsat Room Without Boars' 68 Gerfleld-Blh, $65wk Weslwood-Pvl entr, $65wk Home Hunters Broker 794-0100 EDGEWATER-Large sunny rm, cprld, 10 mlns NYC. prkg, utlls, gentlemen prfd. $285.

Call 886-0787 GARFIELD Weekly Rental. $100. Share bath ft kitchen. 1 week security. Cell 794-0829.

HACK Non-imnklno. wnrklna person. Cleen house near transp. Call 6pm-8pm ONLY: 489-1883. HASBROUCK HTS Private entr Nearlransp.Call393-9v75 MAHWAH 1 rm without board 85wk WuWswkssecurlly MAHWAH-Lge furn rm In nice nghbrhd.

Use of kit. Utlls Ind. Busn gent pref d. Sec. $1 15wk.

529-1245. MIDLAND PK-Large Comfortable rm, for quiet working woman, MONTVALE Quiet rm, pvt entry, blh.frlpe, phone, linen, pkg. Nr bus tralnRt 17GSP. Call 327-2471 NORTH BERGEN-Room In nice house. Laundry room.

Close lo transportation. Call 861-4887 PASSAIC Excel area. 1-2 person rm wta frig In kltch Vh rm lBRapl.Dlck,471-6351 POMPTON PLAINS Furnished rm avail In Pequannock area. Maid service. Security.

$95wk. 839-0202 RIDGE WOOD Room In house. Convenient location. Non smokef. Work refs.

100 week. 447-1034 1 RUTHERFORD Kit prlv, cable SIODwk RUTHERFORD-Mature older gentleman, brile cheerful rm nr RUTHERFORD-Slngle furn'd rm wmod kit ft bth to share. $85 a week. Please call 438-5286 Hotels A Motels 71 SKY VIEW MOTH FT IE Rooms wklngsz bed, Mon-Thurs special $99. Wkly rental.

Ino about rms wpnv lacuzzis. cany44- iuu SPECIAL LOWWEEKLY RATES MON THRU THURS SPECIALS Rooms Near Bus Stop ft Restaurants Jade E. Motel 46 Hack 440-4476 Brgn 864-4 4500 leal Fstats cr Rer.t EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is sublect to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended which makes It Illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or en intention to make any sucn prererence, limitation or ats- rrimlnatlftn This newsoaoer will not know ingly accept any advertisem*nt for real estate which Is In violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised In this newspaper are avail able on an equal opportunity basis, To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1 -800-424-8590. For the Washington, DC ares please call HUDat 426-3500.

Notice to prospective renters: Any rents advertised herein for auall- lled real rental property may be sublect lo any rebate or credit 11 re- quired by Slalelaw INJ.S. tisecu 'NOTICE1 This newspaper assumes no responsibility for the availability of advertised rentals or services offered by Its adver tisers, it you nave any questions concerning the services ottered In this section please contact the advertiser directly at the customer service numbers listed below: County Rental Zry-KS Home Hunters (94-0100 taff mm Bergen County 15 Min GWB RIVER EDGE 1 BEDROOMS From $710 ft special 2 veer leases available with hhw Included. A full city block iw year 010 trees atiiel. lovely re- ft open space In quiet sltfl neighborhood. Wi lance to all stores.

Car! lelonborhood. Welkins dis tance to all stores. Carlngly mein- talned apis with all new bait renovated kitchens ft ww oatnrooms, carpet, irftoa- Parking at front or rear door waS foi'aln to'pATtf F7ftGSPPkwy. CALL NOW FOR DETAILS ON SPECIAL 2 YEAR Rental Agents On Premlset CONTINENTAL GARDENS 2014874938 1650 bedroom garden, hhw PALISADES PARK loeoroomgeroen. Wooden 'hw liulrvlim IMCLU Mdroom, t'hw, carscic Urrhgrkn.

Large 1 bedroom, hw 8450 (600 HotMehold Goods 59 A SOFA ft LOVESEAT SOFA-Queen Anne style ft chr p. uix uvm pack, $225, Glajl DR Ibl wCanechrs $400. 489-5495 tnCA nn ualual gray reclnr, whl parsons 04 Ibl $150; 2 amlq mirrors $150; whj velvet couch isiio.t-rKrovoeski Fr chrs $600; 2 end Ibis ft lamps $500, whl anllq hutch cab $285, gls ft lucne wan ioi ux i-suo exc conrL $550 or Best offer. Call alter 5 wm, 6M-4029 SOFA SLEEPER-Oueen size $250. 3 pc Living rm sel.

Chair, love seat, soio, mauve vwour im -o itv chrs. chrome, newhr upholstered, beige, formica top sww.un irlentel cabinets wmatch'g mirrors $750. Contemp style couch, beloe ft blk $1750. 84" Drexel Heri tage server $2000. 2 Curio cabinets, gls ft cherry wd 1200.

337-6483 Wall Unit, 2 pc Gls shelves w3 drawers, wood base wwicker overlay. CoHee lot. gls lop, custom made. $350set. Wood sofa ft love seat wcushions, early Amer.

$200. Kit Ibl, gls top, 4 chrs, bamboo. $21 Blk iinr reamer, sw. New La Machine Food Proc. $30.

20 1-224-9246. WALL UNIT-Cherrv 3 PC Entertainment unit wpocket doors. Paid $1295. Call 628-0867. WALL UNIT-Llke new.

Contemo. cremebrass, 3 sects, wllghts, gls drs, bar ft TV sect. $900. 666-1681 WDRYER $450: REFRIG $300; ALiit Blt su; Bty siw; ui- NFTTE. LIBRARY.

COMPUTFR TABLE ft TV CABINET, EACH WASHER ft DRYER boll) hvy duty, Wshr 3 yrs oldidrvr 6 mos warr tll'95 Both $300: 201 -943-1379 WASHERDRYER-Gas, Ken-more, extra Irg capacity, exc cond, Syearsok) $250. Call 262-7311. WASHER ft DRYER-GE, like new. Guaranteed. Can deliver ft install.

$330. Call 942-7350 WASHERS-Kenmore, heavy duty, 4 years old, $140. GE heavy duly $120. Call 384-231. WROUGHT IRON FURN SET-lr-replaceable ft ornate.

11 pes. Mint cond. Asking $1200. Call 327-6351. pc THOMASVILLE Oak Wall mil, pocket drs, lighted desk, exc cond $1500.

Thomasvllle coffee 2 drop leaf end tbls $500. 891-4448. Like new furniture moving sale! Full house Drexel 3 Pc wall unit ft fc mahogany 848-9061 Wsarinn 60 App.rnf 391-1415 EVENING DRESSES (five), sz iw ea; six uresses suits sz 14 $55 ea. Excel cond. 489-6642 FURCOAT-Ocelol Full new, size Call934-5l34 PROM ft BRIDESMAID Various sizes.

2 Bridal Gowns-sizes 488-5331. NEED TO SAVE MONE YON CHILDREN'S CLOTHING? We can help. Fine First Qualilv Ap- arei for children sizes 0 to 24 mos, to 4T. Below wholesale prices. For further info call I -800-343-2726 Hours: Mon-Frl 9-6) ft Sal 10-2.

Musical Meretiamllis CSiiSM DRUMS 7 Piece Tama, silver. 18" Zlldllan hvy duty hardware, GUITAR-Yamaha FG460SA case, mint cond $250. Sony ECM909 stereo microphone $65. 767-4247. ORGAN-Lowrey TG88 wwalnul console, Leslie spkr.

Genie chords, rhythm ft bench, $850, 835-2008 ORGAN-Rodgers Theatre Organ Model 33E. 3 manual, walnut PIANO Antique upright, reconditioned. Tuned. S300offer. 444-4177 or 427-8508 PIANO Chlckerlng Studio upright.

Beautiful rosewood finish ft hand carved case. Excel tone ft cond. Recently tuned. PIANO Lester Spinel and bench. Cherry finish, good condition, $500.

Call 489-4062 PIANOS BOUGHT ft SOLD Expert Rebuildlngefinlshlng PIANO Unique reflnlshed regit, Uprlghtnego. PIANOUPRIGHT good make ft condition, $250. Call 391-2137 condition, barely played! $1700 or oesi oner, lbii yaz-euv PLAYER PIANO-Klmball $750 Hammond B3 Organ wLesile speaker ft rhvihmn box, $3000 Call 488-0942 SAXOPHONE-Buescher Alto Sj TRUMPET silver Benge, excellent a $450. Call ISstrlno BANJO: eecn. music 45- WALNUT PIANO with upholstered pencn.iwu.e4i-i4e.

Wintsd 68 TsBnv AHAntlqueftOkjORiENTALRug anycondllon. Old Palnllngs. A Antioues, litem or estate, 262-5Sli HESS TOYS WANTED i4-65Tanker $17' -9T I MKI H.m..., 17 Seasons 10-61 Pay'hOCO'o Twice the Price 'or Mint In tht box Models Collector MakH LIONEL AND OTHER TRAINS PAY TOP PHOTO ft Wholesale 6n I i i if Fiml88e 67 PALISADES PA furntsned room near h-ar-so. Male only. Wk.

V7-3307 or 947-0474 1 2 2 Brown ft Associates Realty (201)944-7700 inA, lependently Owned ft Operated You we Know Real Estate Ft Lee Whlteman Hot ondo sudd. 1-359-8561. ig I bk, drman, poot. Bin permo GARFIELO-IBR ft 2BR, avail now. ii no nr, no pets, al, refrlg, heal supplied, Super 546-2127 Garfield-2Br, $525.

Kids ok. Newly renov, reirig, near irans: KfcY BKOKbKS, 340-2021 GARFIELD 2Br. Kids ft Pels Ok, MAar Irmn Isnl tmint IkV fli HouseKeaity inc. 16-055 I GARFIELD2BRnewlydecorated, AC. laundrv 575 many xtras Prime Rentals, Bkr.

472-4996 I $47 HomeHunlers Broker 794-0100 GARFIELD-38R apt, LR. kit bth, storage. $750 utils. Call 546-3577 GARFIELD-3BR, Kids ft Pets OK, aro, wu Hu, more avail, louse Rlty Inc. Bkr.

916-0755 GARFIELD 3 BR near Irans Pels ok, parking utll. inc. Prime Rentals, Bkr.472-4996 WDI IICIU UI DW, WD oar. Call: KEY BROK JKcKo, 340- 1-2021 GARFIELD 3 RM newly deco- mipn.ri.Tr ae.iurir nr. Prime GARFIELD-Lro Mod 4rm ordn apt, AC, on-site prkg, Indry facils.

1650 utls. No petsNo fee 89l-565f GARFIELD Mod 2 BR anl In cam. 5 rms, irg lk UK, wo Mi up. $675 ullls. lan i- 1-8085.

Garfield Mod6 BR.CA $950 Generation IV BKR GARFIELD Newer home. MD. Main fir: LR, DR, EIK.3 BRs ft 2 full uns. orno level, lk, oen, 0 run om, Lnory rm, patio, ockyri oar. Nr NYC trans.

Avail 81 Call 478-2862, all day un, an opm WKoays. Garfleld-New hse. 3 BRs, 2 full bins, loc. SADRI Realty, Bkr 368-2422 JifVm TXXK KZi GREENWOOD LK, NY (20 mlns Mahwah). Nice area-Lake view.

FHIrlencv OH. 1 RR Iffi No nati. ww crpt, nni i 1 1 iv ii a ui, it wnia, tuny loaaeo syou mo.iaiiji 1 796-9585; 368-2632 HACK 3 rms In mod grdn apt re-Hudson St. $550 utils. L'HEUREUX, Broker 641-3232 HACK-3 rms.

2 fam. 1st fir. nr Hloh ocnooi, immeaoccup.SDpTunis, CLINTON REALTY BKR 342-9581 HACK-3WRMGrdn-NOFEE FRfcEHT.GAS.AC.HAKK Nr Joe, 440-3900 HACKENSACK-1 BR, $725, luxury a se. orxna. apoinces.

vv unit. 1 100 fee. Wm. Alexander Prop, Rlfr 488-4035 HACKENSACK-2 BRs, 1 sun room. DR.

LR. kit. $925mo. elec ft gas. Avail 6 1, call 488-1257.

IACKENSACK-2 BRs $820mo. levator. HHWcook'o oas ft AC mcrd. no t-ee. no rets.

343- 142 HACKENSACK 2nd Flr2 Family. 1 bk, lk, eat-in kit, a( Nr nVl bus. $775 utlls ivt entr. '-5206 HACKENSACK-2 rms, applnces HRs. kids: 1st Mr VM Home Hunters Broker y4-utw HACKENSACK 2 RMS, 1 Bl -tnivw, I Mo pels.

No ui is nc uaen. ni $55. LBtl 4BB- HACKENSACK-3bdr. 2nd floor In rownnouse, above store, tvewiy Breton Properties renovateo. ratrmoni scnoot.

sv. 2I2-5OT-2Z HACKENSACK-SRmaotln medium rise bids, poo, play area, rec rm, pels 0 OK. RQI I UK in option It WREMf'W-W. HACKENSACK-3M rms. nw, cooking gas incld lose to all maior trans.

$675 HACKENSACK 3 year old condo. Bus Mtrlnor Must um S74) WelcherlRIIrs Rental Dlv 652-0909 IACKENSACK-89 Kansas St. k- Mrs unis, tmmep occup, 1. No nnrBrooxsayy-uiuit wkdys9-5 HAl -ConyenStri 4va rm odn. Had I.H tr.

tcooi tiit CLIN KL HACK (ENSACK-Decoraled 3 rm apt, Ai lose to trans. HACK-2'i ft 3hrm grdn, WKASHffi' NY uinivriwui TtPiMiW7: 'SOI HACKENSACK ELEt and 1 BR. New EVBLDG lewly rnvld on orem. 2 Across from oark. ma ur NO FFF.

NO PFTX. iwnoyappioniy.ft-iM2 HACKENSACK Exclusive NO FEES ON HOST! HI AlBHniKF 1BR, 15th tir, gorgeous views, ler- loormanipoo sew THtDtVONSHIKE i bins, Great NYC views, seoarated BRs. Mrrace. oormen. pool avm.

all ullls ft parklnglncw Ma KUKU IBR.teveivwNYCvlew (YCvlew 1925 THE very nt nr, greet sun- set view, MIW IWERS crot. hhw 1 Dorothv Rodano Realty BROKER 347-5588 wfee 1 1 Bdm d-rtae etev. Bdlo. HI iHwinc $750 GENERATION IV Bkr 288-6663 Metier charge ft Vtsa Accepted HACKENSACK 859! FRE MONTH i RENT Mod Jrm Grdn: HHW, AC. prkg, crphj, oecor'd.

Immed Occ KOVAL REALTY j3kr. 488-7877 HACKENSACK 1640-S740 NOFEE ft BR Oern-HHW, erk. rirkY Trans, Ava Immed: CAU 342-2026 pool. prkg. gym, ww apt.

Immed MEIK sion a Office 54 BROWSE 'N SAVE On Of the largest displays of office furniture In North Jersey, (mulll floor S-Armorv Bldg). New-Used-Warehse Liquidations 85 WMadlson Av. (oif Washington) Dumenl.NJ 387-0909 SOPIER-PANASONIC I copies a minute, $600 340-3l51att5pm COPIERS REPOSSESSED Buy. Lease, Rent 'i Price 201-340-2600 DESK ft CHAIRexecullve, wood, 1 1 75; Bltney Bowes cooler, $150: Canon electric typwrtr, $200; 3 mew lapineis, wu ee. oh-iuu DESK- Executive 60" walnut 150, 2 til back exec chairs S7S ea, File cabinet 1 drawer $50, 5 drawer $60, 2 steel clothing racks $25 ea, shetv- CtriQ71.r71 111.1.

DESK-EXECUTIVE OAK with matching credenia. Excellent cond. ui can: V62-HJ7 Griml Opening 40-60 OH Office FurnllureLlquldalors Outlet WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE New Used Seconds Closeouts Witt TmiMWiPiyTki Tax 670-8999 Mon-Frl 930-6; Sat 10-3 ICE MAKER Heavy, duty, 2,000 lb slorage capacity. Bagging dispenser w4 cold draft ice maker ops. S16K new.

Asking $2500 for fast sal. River Edge. Call Edith 26l-1061or MANIKINS-Brand new. 2 male ft a female manikins are ready to be sold kxlay. Monica 201-837-0032 Office turn for sale: desks, chairs, bookcases, etc.

Please call Phon-eworksal 343-0021 ask for Diane Store fixtures, office furniture, cash registers. Call Monday Saturday BirRMtinriit 55 Eqalpmint ALL CODE 96 EXHAUST HOODS Lusinnaaeinsnocoae.i-reetsT. New ft Used Equipment. 742-2489 Dough. Olvlder-Dutchess.

$200. Elec ScBle-Berkel, $150. 20-Pan, prooter, Wilder, $700. 768-3578. NEW PIZZERIA EQUIPMENT COMPLETE.

Oven, relarder, mixer, cheese cutter, refrlge, freeier, work table, sandwich unit, 6 sets of booths, sink, steam table, range, grlll7fryer, slicing machine, cash register, bread box. $825mo to Qualified buyer, Will deliver to your premises. Call 201-736-4060. USED KITCHEN EQUIP-Garland Stove, Deep Fryer, Pots, Pans, SS nwe, oar mane, ion wj- ley Sell! Fsrllllzsr 56 FREE CLEAN FILL- Oellvered lo your site. Pieces of concrete, dirt 8, gravet.Call387-1112 SRlS BarijoSiloi.

itc. 51G ALLENOAI tfjrTFrnkln 'oh! Set BOGOTA-Sel only Elm Av, Hsehold, clot tlques, restaurant equl tnes, furn, jlp.mlsc CLIFTON-68-7, Athenle" houlan to Toys Lift ifhrvni tile Tikes, Baby, nout HthldMuchA hMoreice ash only. DEMAREST Hardenburg ft Palisades. Sot-Sun, 9-S. Siorm door, clothing, for all -ENGLEW000 CLIFFS 425 Summit Street frldayft Jaluroav f0-4pm 2 wefnmgn ton Bronzes, 13 piece Comemporarv set 3 vr enrome ft biass ri old.

3 olece LR. set .3 vrs oW. piece chfeme ft brass ii eno lama kiicnei ft 6mm sets. Orlg oil Orlo ea hos. Aimoue mamei mock.

Lixe outeoor pano set. 2 Armolre, lection of Anngue mtfrors, GJass- were, ETC! ETC! No Eirlles. Ceshl Bums, orieniai ttugs, silver, FAIR LAWN-Huge Family sale. FRANKLIN LKS-330 Lenaol Dr, lt-JU, lfl. IB-4.

Tl I other greet buvs ooidMiiiRdtolenep' FRANKLIN LAKES-871 Teoueslt Rom toff HlghMouteln Rdl. Moving south to smeiier home. Over items. If years of househoid Itemt from eftlc lb cellar fnciuflfng malt jrnlture, leweiry, exercise eoylomeht ft 100 new logo t-shlrts A ramous orano new anr mais 1 Price, rrt is i price. Proceeds benefl oceroen Anlrr Refuge.

is benefli Ra- mew prift 5a HACKENSACK 142 ft 149.Poolr Ave Sat, Sun jur ft ft v-e. Jit aamt houseware, rjjr ft more June U-14 HAWTHORNE-Multl FamltvSa. SaturrJay, June 10am-4pm. Acwturttion of many Items. 23TJ34, 24 1 Pasaoena Piece.

MAHWAH-105 Alrmount Sd. Fr Sl it S-6. -4om Rm. iMne Com-p-vrs, pwes texs( ftm. hh, tors oorhgw a Babv things Saxve jsrTVALE-Set 6, sonty 14PM.

De'e Sun oee 1 HA LE DON-MOVING J.lCtet Household Good 59 BR-Walnul, 8 pes. ineig new fult si spring ft matt, $450; king st wtrbed, dk wood, execond $295. 385-95 BR SETqun site, 6 PC $500; DR SET 8 pc. tW6 chrhutch port DW 890-7028 BREAKFRONT-blk gold, wgls drs, 3 pes, revolving TV storage, Was $2000, Ask BREAKFRONT-Frultwood, lighted, ols shlvs, 46Wx78Hxl3D, BREAKFRONT Pecan wood ft glass. Length 5'6" Width 1'4" rtgnto 350.

Call 778-1148 BR Ethan Allen, dark pine, 4 poster bed, triple dresser, armolre, BR SET. Custom made, modern, white formica. Hrdbrd ft dressers. Full bed, box spring, mattress ft frame. Like new.

$550. Call 790-3983, Iv msg. BR SET Scandinavian On Si Platform Bed. Mattress, Nile Tbls. DM.

652-9016 BUNK BEDS White months old $200. Like new! Call 201-773-7393 CARPET Like new Call 652-5009 CARPETS-0) Chinese, 9 11, $800, 6x4 Belgium $600, 6x4 Chinese, 2x3 Chinese $250, 797-5569. All must goby July 1st mos old, Wheat, (2) $125 Maple Rocker wcushions, CHINA-Gorham Manhattan (8) 5 piece place sellings. Never opened Retail $700, $350 firm. Call 696-0424.

CLUB CHAIRS Pair, very condition, $90. 4 beautiful black wrought iron cnairs, $yo. 744-4329. COFFEE TABLE-Ultra modern, yia vjv, iravenme uase, square, )W. 1.311 Convertible sofa (queen size), love-seal ft 3 PC Ibl sel.

$900BO. DR glass tbl ft 6 chrs. $230BO. Resin catio set wumorena enrs POdS. SiJU BO.

Call 5ZV-8 140. COUCH ft LOVESEAT $225; MOIRE COUCH, WING CHAIR ft 3 tables. Excel cond. Must sell. Asking IWU.Lail443-y04l.

CRIB, Brand New. Blk Lac. Dsgnr Acess: S33U. Lump, Drno new ui SET Blk Lac 935-7076or 7072. CRIB-Slmmons, excellent condition, contemporary, blonde maple wood.

Asking 150 BO. 825-3 ira. DESK-Black and gold. Must sell. $200.

201-265-8641 DESKROLL TOP -i Cherry, I uiawnriiiiiiu syiems, oral hardware. Mint cond! $750 337-80! DESKRoll Too Cherry 7 drawerfiling systemsbrass naroware wtnt cono ssu. Jj-auyy DESKS (2) $20 ea. LR chrs (3) $30 a. Locktaiiend ibis (Jl $25 ea.

'Ker raD a enrs sdu. na mainine caoinet w. oye- tow. DINETTE SET-5 pelce. glass top table, velour swivel chairs on roll ers.

ASklhg ilill DO.BJ-I54B. DINETTE SET-Glass top Ible ml black lacq. base ft 4 black lacq. chrs. Excl cond.

$650 BO. 488-5741 INETTE SET-Ratlan wols tooft cna rs via. Lontemp oeveic rs $225, Contemp beveledgls hl-back chrs $500. 438-7170 DR; table (seats 8), chairs ft furn server, excel cond $500; Designer latchino nat- uphol clubchalrmalchlni sock, practically newl $450; Round table rwiai, Bimosi annquisn, iai $95; wall Unit, aco. li-iBcq, ing se Ind sec.

custom 12 OR -Hand carved Karges. Pickled cherrywood ft burkt walnut, Ible DIN RM-7 pes, Mahogany. Elegant, dble pedeslal tbl, carved enrs. DR SET-MAHOGANY ANTIQUE Table, chairs, china closet, marble server, Excellent condllloni Serious Inquiries only 13200 942-7280 DR HUTCH-Bennlnoton Plne.di honey finish, very pood condition. oestuner.

sa-eae. DR- ETHAN ALLEN dark pine, Trestle chalrj, hutchidry sink. $2300. 261-2172 Bennington pine pedeslal table, DR-Teak, round tw wleevet ft sideboard whulch (FalsterT, 4 chrs (J.L Moller) 1 500. 744-8380 DR: 18th Century Mahegeny Chi-poendele wseryer ft hunt boerd.

DR SET 18lh Century French tnaroeag by century, showi room cono, sjuw. a le-1 msg. DR HUTCH-Col. lab a. mal itching Jajl.

Ex xcelient cono. saw. ien sva-esva DRKITCHEN SET -50" Bennington pine dk, Ivs ui or pads, like new. $750. 445- DR SET-Mlxed Orlenlel Contemp.

Mahog preektront wserver, git tbl, 6 ultra suede chrs, 2 ebony DR SET Mahog. lable3 leaves llMovl cnri, lervvr, cnine Closer menog corner chine cioset ing, ans DR SET-CounclH Craftsmen Classic Reproduction, Inc: breakfront, 6 rMoryjT SET-Pecen, Teble ir leev fthyyped.f 1, 0 cnoif sirs wcene becks, 1 buffet on cHna closet, 1 ex trabus- asr iw. mjv seti -eua DR SET-8 PC $400. dresser I'SO. Trun BR chest ft runs Bed ISO.

i-J12. DINING ROOM SET ePrKllu sond Mao txc to" Exc Cond! Extra Tbl leaves ft pads. $950. Can: Kl-4448. DINING ROOM Traditional.

Cherry chrs, 2 yrs old, $2200 HrSP DININGROOMSET Oak labe ft c- -l. 5 yean okL saars Can 944-6842 Soli Fertilizer 56 Top Soil, Flit, Sand, Stone, Decorative Stone, Building Block, Belgian Block, GRINNEL PAVERS. Road ait, cement, wuicn, samietd Clay, udellvered. 201-261-3970. Household Goods 59 AIR CONDITIONER (2) Excellent condition.

$125 each; 7 pair custom made drapes $25 pair. Call 773-9679 AIR CONDITIONER 24,000 BTU. Cool entire house. Excellent condition. 265-5028 Couch, 82" ft chair, floral palter; pattern 1950, aw.

men's gr $75. Call 568-905! dresser, large, BATHROOM VANITIES Marble Tops. Medicine Cabinets, Truck-toads of kitchen cabinets for immed del. Quaker Maid. Gas Ranges.

Disc Prices Install opfl. Paterson Stove Kitchen Center 684-3400 BEDRM-1 bed, 2 dresser drawers, LR; 1 easy chr, $100, 1 coffee Ibl, i eno tois, ii. ur ost oirs. W4-w BR-18th Century Solid Mahogany. Full ze cananv.

dresser, mirror night stand. $2000. Call 628-0867. ativnt.i ion ui desk, bookcase, nile lot ft chest hdbo. solid woodaraln formica.

DCnDIl CCT tall Clean must sell, Eric, BEDROOM SET-S1500. Sofa ft chairs $425. Table $50. Skils $6S Royal Doulton, Minton Consort, 12 pc china set $1200. Call 343-6145 BR SET-Full si Pecan, frpl dresser wmirror, chest on chest, night tbt.

Exccond Iv msg BR SET Black Lacquer. Queen sx platform bed w2 night sfands ft double BEDROOM SET, 5 pieces. King-size, Medlterr, cherrywood. Excel cond. $800 or best off.

201-839-5664. BR SET 5 pc, $450; DR Ibl. 6 chrj ft china cabinet $300; Both frul-twood, exc shape. 64 1 -9568 aft 6pm BEDROOM SET-7 pc solid Pecan wood, Mediterr style. Asking $650.

Call 444-1 156 BEDROOM SET Bassett Maple Call 664-7085 BEDROOM SET-Beaullful! Was very expensive. Eager to sell. $200. Call 759-61 14. RFnervMASFT Girls white provincial, double bed wdesk.

$200. Call 944-6842. BR SET-ltal. Prov. Thomasvllle.

Hdbrd, trpl drsr wmlrr, chest of drwrs, 2 end tbls. $450. 628-8908. BR SET-KIng hdbrd, Ige drsr dbl mirror, armolre, 2 night tbls. Walnut.

Gdcond. $8507 bo. 327-5402 BR set, oak $150; DR wchlna cbnt, pecan $200; sofa ft chair $100; star cbnt $150; sofabed $200. MOVING, MUST SELL! or bstofrs 488-3913 BR Set-Thomasville $1000. Love- Seal $100.

Outdoor turn wumbrella aw. uenumiditier $5, surdlac stove souu. can m-wio. Garage Sales, etc 51G ORADE LL Greatl 936 Oradell Ave. Saturday, June 6, starts 10am.

Something for everyone. Be there! Paramus-Furn. lamps. loots, .816 dishesjJlctures.etc, Movlngl PARAMUS-Movlngl 220 Alpine 634 ft 10 sharp to 3pm: iompft king BR set. oak BR set, lomplt LR sel, secfl, brkfrnt, curio, laker's rcks, men's clothing si 40, jesk chrs, elc.

All price low to sell. RIDGEFIELD-Hsehold Items, camera, siroirers, toys, nick-nacks, Handmade IPGEW00D-615 BerneH Piece, ry. oat June yam-t. owr boat, hshio Items. by llems.toyi, ciolhes lie.

No early cauersl JUTHERFORD-161 laatnn PI. June 6, Sun June 0-4. many lems rp cnoose. iw prices. Everything mull go.

SADDLE BROOK 33 Franklin Ave Set 6 9-3PM Everything mull go HousehoioGoods. TEANECtC-Cumi bet Lincoln ft Wilson uTtt fam. is, pme, cneirs. cosmetics, xi, household Items. Sel.

4pm. RD Sun, June 7. TEANECK-Yerd Sole, Records, hshid items, frames, oemtlnp, tools TE NAFLV -18 Sussex Road Retndete 62. Goods trom mun hshids plus new mercrnndin. Haoasseh-sponsored doseouf toco's of ledles 100 cotton bri orirs UPPER SADDLE RiVER-MuW emlfy Verd Sa.e.16 ft 10am-Sem.

Hshid items, glassware, baby Items ft tovs, smairturn, some Arr- itques. no eany otros pteese. brass dot ique oocs aree ruos. fur- hisnings, bixes, much, much more WAYNE-46, l-4ns. Antloues, cottectibid, furn new ft used 1st uary items.

74 B'endvwine Sd WESTWOOD Ii 59jthAveCMlllSt MOVING SALE FR 1 6' 5 ft SAT 6 '4 rRi Lots of toe s. rO t8bsw. deco furn, loc Ck Set. BR Set, Sew ng Mectune, Lemos, brie -a-orat etc. IBRs.

J. BALLAS CO. RItr 943-6500 rms. I Ooen venlnps, Mol-Fr1 K0'AL REALTY j3kr. 4S8-7877 gdn 3 k) A.S'a'l:rnf3 $72? ti fane fir apiece, $75.

can 384-11 508.

The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.